My First Tag
I was tagged by my Fellow Blogger "Batabeet" to do a wonderful list that made me think alot about the necessity of being thankful all the time and about every little detail in my life !
whose life is perfect? noone, but at least we have many good things that others can only dream of.
we all have obstacles but "Al7amdulelah" we have many many blessings that makes our lives better :)
The Rules of the Tag:
* The point is to say a heartfelt ‘Thank God’. So, you’ll have to choose power blessings, ones that really really are endowments, that you couldn’t possibly feel deeper gratitude towards God for. Ones that you feel grateful for, everyday.
* After each blessing, you’ll have to choose one word to describe your state. Examples: “Happy”, “Excited”, “Thankful”, “Humble”. Or, you have to choose any word that comes to your mind after it anyway – one that’ll summarize it all.
* The ones you’d choose are preferred to be special to you, for instance, we all know that ‘Eye Sight’ is an immense blessing, and of course we can list it, but preferably if it has a special meaning to us.
* The number of your blessings should be between 5 and 10.
* After finishing your list, you should write the word: “El7amodellah” in bold, and say it out loud.
* You should tag as many friends as you can – even the ones who don’t blog, inform them that they must comment.
* After that, well, all you do is to be happy and to have ‘Reda’ :)
and My list is:
My Son
I was gifted from god by a son Al 7amd L Allah I never knew I would love someone like I love him. He is the best thing that ever happened to me.
My wife
I was gifted by a lovely caring wife that she knows what am thinking of without talking
My parents
I love them so much , they are the best parents in this world.
My sister
I am gifted by the best sister in the world.
My best friends
They are like my brother because I never had a brother. Thank you for being there when I need you.
My Car
I sold my car after 5 years 7'edma shakka and got a used one too but better than my old zooba.
My work
I am still in my company I've been working there for 8 years .. but I changed my department from a manager in a department in the factory to planning manager which is better Al 7amd l Allah..and I am happy for that change..
My virtual life
I love the internet ..I have been an internet addict for the last 12 years..And since I dicovered facebook I fell in love with it ..I love that I am always updated with my friends is magnificent.
Al7amd l Allah 3la kol she2..
I tag all my friends,Shamel,Sarah,Insomniac,Batabeet
al7madulelah 3la all the gifts may God keep them upon you always :)